Why Everyone is Switching?

Uncovering the Reasons Behind the Shift to New Testing Tools and Methods

Comprises : Articles, Tweets, Posts , Blogs , Events and much more

Hello Subscriber,

Welcome to the May Start,2024 edition of Software Testing Digest!

This issue is our 20th🎖️edition which showcases the latest in software testing, including industry trends, tools, techniques, and expert insights to keep you ahead in the game. Let's dive right in!


Highlights if you are in a hurry 🏃 

Testing Strategies to Preemptively Catch Bugs in Spring Boot

Explore proactive approaches to identifying and addressing bugs in Spring Boot applications, enhancing product reliability and user satisfaction.

White Box, Gray Box, and Black Box Testing – Unpacking The Trio

Delve into the intricacies of white box, gray box, and black box testing methodologies, understanding their unique advantages and applications in software testing.

The Art of Atomic Tests: Improving Test Suite Effectiveness and Maintainability

Discover the significance of atomic tests in optimizing test suite effectiveness and maintainability, ensuring streamlined testing processes and robust software quality.

Tackling Flaky Tests: Strategies for Reliable Automation Testing

Learn practical strategies and techniques for identifying and mitigating flaky tests, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of automation testing workflows.

Automatic QA Code: Pre-commit

Explore the concept of automatic QA code pre-commit, discussing its benefits in ensuring code quality and minimizing defects early in the development lifecycle


In this article, we delve into proactive testing strategies tailored specifically for Spring Boot applications. By implementing robust testing frameworks and leveraging tools like JUnit and Mockito, developers can preemptively catch bugs before they manifest in production environments. Through a comprehensive exploration of unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing techniques, we empower teams to enhance product reliability and user satisfaction in their Spring Boot projects......……..

Here is the link for the full article

Unveiling the nuances of software testing methodologies, this article offers a comprehensive overview of white box, gray box, and black box testing. From inspecting internal code structures in white box testing to simulating user interactions in black box testing, each approach brings unique insights and advantages to the testing process.....……..

Here is the link for the full article


Atomic tests serve as the cornerstone of effective test suites, offering granular insights into software functionality while enhancing maintainability. This article explores the principles of atomic testing and its role in optimizing test suite effectiveness. By breaking down complex functionalities into discrete test cases and ensuring independence....…….

Here is the link for the full article

Flaky tests pose a significant challenge to automation testing efforts, undermining confidence in test results and impeding development velocity. This article provides actionable strategies for identifying, mitigating, and preventing flaky tests, ranging from robust test design principles to leveraging advanced testing frameworks and tools.....……..

Here is the link for the full article


Pre-commit QA code checks represent a proactive approach to ensuring code quality and minimizing defects early in the development lifecycle. This article explores the concept of automatic QA code pre-commit and its role in fostering a culture of quality within development teams...……..

Here is the link for the full article

Tweeting the Latest in Test - Our Newsletter Roundup of Top Tech Tweet 😀 

Here is a interesting thread for you trending on twitter for #testing on Choosing Tools for Mobile UI Automation Tests

Testing Takes LinkedIn by Storm: The Latest Posts and Insights from Top Testing Professionals 🤪 

Here is a link to interesting LinkedIn Post on XSS, CSP, STS Security Testing for SQA Engineers post #testing #sdet #testautomation #automation #career…

GitHub Gems: Curated Collection of Cool Repos for Testers and Tech Enthusiasts 📚️ 

Here is a curated list of GitHub repos which you might be interested to have a look on :

  1. Testcontainers: -Testcontainers, an open-source framework, offers developers lightweight and disposable instances of frequently used databases, Selenium web browsers, and other resources. By seamlessly integrating with testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG, Testcontainers simplifies the setup and teardown of containerized environments.- Link

  2. Jenkins: - Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software. - Link



  • Bruno : Bruno is a Fast and Git-Friendly Open source API client, aimed at revolutionising the status quo represented by Postman, Insomnia and similar tools out there. - Link

  • Terraform : Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code software tool created by HashiCorp. Users define and provide data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language, or optionally JSON. - Link

Job Radar 🧑‍💼 

Testing Opportunities Galore!

Testing Academy's Latest Insights! 🎙️ 

  • In the realm of API testing, there's been a significant buzz lately about a new contender: Bruno. Many developers and QA engineers are making the switch from Postman to Bruno, citing reasons ranging from improved performance to a more intuitive user interface. In our latest video, we delve into the reasons behind this shift and explore what makes Bruno a compelling choice for API testing.- Link

  • In our latest video, we guide you through the process of creating an impressive automation tester portfolio that will grab the attention of potential employers and help you secure your desired role with ease. Join us as we share valuable tips and insights on showcasing your skills, projects, and accomplishments effectively. - Link

That's it for this week's edition of software weekly digest. We hope you found these articles and insights helpful in your software testing journey.

Remember to share this newsletter with your colleagues. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please email us at [email protected]

Happy testing, and see you next week!

Best regards,

Yashwanth Baratam 🙋‍♂️ 

Author - Content team

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