Testing or Development - Which Job should you choose?

Expanding Horizons: Key Trends and Opportunities in Software Testing for 2024

Comprises : Articles, Tweets, Posts , Blogs , Events and much more

Hello Subscriber,

Welcome to the Sept End,2024 edition of Software Testing Digest!

This issue is our 35th🎖️edition which showcases the latest in software testing, including industry trends, tools, techniques, and expert insights to keep you ahead in the game. Let's dive right in!


Highlights if you are in a hurry 🏃 

Actions to be taken by a QA on finding a Critical Issue in Production

A QA must immediately notify stakeholders, ensure proper logging, and work on a quick fix while investigating the root cause.

The Art of Pitching Automation Improvements in a QA Team

When pitching automation improvements, focus on demonstrating ROI and aligning with team goals. Communicating both business and technical benefits is key to gaining approval.

Automating Real iOS Devices with Appium

Automating real iOS devices using Appium requires proper setup of Xcode, devices, and provisioning profiles, along with handling iOS-specific configurations.

Playwright Java API Testing | How to test POST requests?

Playwright can intercept network traffic, allowing testers to send POST requests and validate responses for API testing.

The Key to Effective Test Automation: Start with Why, Not How

Start automation by understanding the reasons and objectives, which guides the development of effective solutions.


Upon finding a critical production issue, a QA should first escalate the problem to the appropriate teams and halt any further deployment. The QA team should work on a temporary solution or rollback, while thoroughly documenting the issue for future prevention. A post-mortem should follow to identify and address underlying causes..................……..

Here is the link for the full article

To pitch automation improvements successfully, identify pain points and demonstrate how automation can save time or improve accuracy. Present clear metrics or case studies to showcase potential ROI. Building small prototypes or showing quick wins can help gain buy-in from both leadership and technical teams.................……..

Here is the link for the full article


To automate real iOS devices with Appium, testers must configure Xcode, connect iOS devices, and handle provisioning profiles and certificates. Appium enables cross-platform automation, but testing on iOS devices involves additional challenges such as system restrictions and hardware-specific configurations. This process ensures seamless automation across real iOS devices for accurate testing.............…….

Here is the link for the full article

Playwright supports API testing by allowing testers to intercept network traffic and send POST requests. Using Playwright’s Java API, testers can simulate POST requests, validate responses, and handle asynchronous requests efficiently. This allows integration of API testing into the same suite as UI testing, promoting a unified testing approach..........……..

Here is the link for the full article


The key to successful test automation lies in starting with the "why" – understanding the core reasons behind automation efforts. This helps align the automation strategy with business goals and ensures that solutions are built to solve real problems. Only after defining the objectives should teams focus on the "how," ensuring the most appropriate tools and methods are used...............……..

Here is the link for the full article

Tweeting the Latest in Test - Our Newsletter Roundup of Top Tech Tweet 😀 

Here is a interesting thread for you trending on twitter for #testing on Chaos Engineering

Testing Takes LinkedIn by Storm: The Latest Posts and Insights from Top Testing Professionals 🤪 

Here is a link to interesting LinkedIn Post on How to Handle SSL Certificates in Test Automation post #testing #sdet #testautomation #automation #career…

GitHub Gems: Curated Collection of Cool Repos for Testers and Tech Enthusiasts 📚️ 

Here is a curated list of GitHub repos which you might be interested to have a look on :

  1. Restful-Booker: - A test API specifically designed for API automation practice. It offers a fully functional CRUD API with authentication and built-in bugs for learning purposes. This is ideal for practicing API testing automation. - Link

  2. Sauce Labs: - A sample mobile app for Android and iOS to practice mobile UI automation. You can run this locally or on cloud platforms to gain hands-on experience in automating real-world scenarios​ - Link


Job Radar 🧑‍💼 

Testing Opportunities Galore!

Testing Academy's Latest Insights! 🎙️ 

  • The video "Reality of QA Job Market" explores the current landscape of quality assurance jobs, highlighting the demand for skilled QA professionals in various industries. It discusses the evolving role of QA, emphasizing the importance of automation skills and familiarity with modern testing tools. The presenter shares insights on job availability, salary expectations, and essential skills needed to thrive in the field. Overall, the video provides a realistic view of the opportunities and challenges faced by QA professionals today. - Link

  • The video "Scope of Software Testing in 2024" explores the evolving landscape of software testing, emphasizing emerging trends and technologies. It highlights how automation, AI, and continuous testing are shaping the future, while also stressing the importance of specialized roles and adapting to complex systems. The video offers insights into how testers can stay relevant and add value in a rapidly changing industry. - Link

That's it for this week's edition of software weekly digest. We hope you found these articles and insights helpful in your software testing journey.

Remember to share this newsletter with your colleagues. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please email us at [email protected]

Happy testing, and see you next week!

Best regards,

Yashwanth Baratam 🙋‍♂️ 

Author - Content team

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