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  • Software Testing Digest: A Complementary Approach in Testing: Static and Dynamic Testing- May 2023 Edition

Software Testing Digest: A Complementary Approach in Testing: Static and Dynamic Testing- May 2023 Edition

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Software Testing Digest May Edition

Hello Subscriber,

Welcome to the MAY MID,2023 edition of Software Testing Digest!

This issue is our second🥈edition which showcases the latest in software testing, including industry trends, tools, techniques, and expert insights to keep you ahead in the game. Let's dive right in!


Highlights if you are in a hurry 🏃 

A Software QA’s Guide To Regression Testing

In this article, we'll take you through a comprehensive guide to regression testing, including what it is, why it's important, and how to plan and execute regression.

Essential Communication Skills for QA Professionals Working with Developers

Testers and developers need to work together to increase the chances of successful product delivery and quality work. This article describes how a good communication can make wonders.

A Complementary Approach in Testing: Static and Dynamic Testing

Whether to use Static or dynamic testing has been a debate since a long time . We hope this article can make you decide which one to choose based on the use case.

Organizational-level test strategies and modern approaches

Testing Strategy on a Org level decides the ROI of the QA Team. This article describes how an organization can choose the most optimal test strategy based on the needs and slowly change the tools and technology with the latest ones.

How I used Pytest to write QA tests that securely bypass 2FA

By Passing the Authentication during testing has been challenging and difficult . This article describes how we can securely by pass 2FA using pytest


If you're a software Quality Assurance (QA) professional, you understand the importance of regression testing in ensuring the quality of software releases. But with constantly changing software environments and new updates, it can be challenging to stay on top of regression testing. In this article, we'll take you through a comprehensive guide to regression testing, including what it is, why it's important, and how to plan and execute regression tests effectively……………..

Here is the link for the full article

Communication is key to any successful project, and this is especially true for Quality Assurance (QA) professionals working with developers. In this article, we'll explore the essential communication skills that QA professionals need to effectively work with developers. With the right communication skills, QA professionals can work collaboratively with developers to ensure software quality and deliver successful projects..……………..

Here is the link for the full article


When it comes to testing software, there are two primary methods: static and dynamic testing. While each approach has its benefits, combining the two can provide a complementary approach that leads to more effective testing and better software quality. In this article, we'll explore the differences between static and dynamic testing and the advantages of using them together……………….

Here is the link for the full article

Organizational-level test strategies are crucial in ensuring that software development projects are completed successfully. In this article, we'll explore modern approaches to organizational-level test strategies that can help improve software quality and increase project success rates. We'll discuss the importance of defining a clear test strategy and aligning it with business goals, as well as the role of risk management in testing.…………………..

Here is the link for the full article


In today's world, two-factor authentication (2FA) is a common security measure used by many applications and websites. As a result, it's become increasingly important for Quality Assurance (QA) teams to develop tests that can securely bypass 2FA. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into how Pytest, a popular testing framework, can be used to write secure and efficient QA tests that bypass 2FA. We'll discuss the key challenges that QA professionals face when testing applications that require 2FA, as well as the benefits of using Pytest for this purpose………………

Here is the link for the full article

Tweeting the Latest in Test - Our Newsletter Roundup of Top Tech Tweet 😀 

Here is a interesting thread for you trending on twitter for #testing on various techniques to test Microservices Fun Doo Testers

Testing Takes LinkedIn by Storm: The Latest Posts and Insights from Top Testing Professionals 🤪 

Here is a interesting LinkedIn Post on ITestListener in TestNG by Karthick

Here is a Quick Reference guide on API Testing for you by Vikram Sanap

GitHub Gems: Curated Collection of Cool Repos for Testers and Tech Enthusiasts 📚️ 

Here is a curated list of GitHub repos which you might be interested to have a look on :

  1. SeleniumHQ/selenium - This is the official Selenium repository, which provides a browser automation framework and a suite of tools for web application testing - Link

  2. Postmanlabs/newman - This is a command-line collection runner for Postman, which allows for the automated testing of REST APIs - Link

  3. Cucumber - This repository contains the Cucumber framework, which is a popular tool for behavior-driven development (BDD) and acceptance testing. - Link



  • AutoPR - Autonomously write pull requests in response to issues with ChatGPT - Link

  • AcademyBugs - FindBugs is a mock e-commerce site, with bugs planted inside. Once you identify a bug, a sample report will open with all the information needed - Link

  • Gest - A sensible GraphQL testing tool to test your GraphQL schema locally and in the cloud. - Link

  • Spoke GPT4 - AI meetings answers & minutes backed-up by video reels - Link

Testing Academy's Latest Insights! 🎙️ 

  • Are you looking to become a Python automation engineer or tester, but don't know where to start? Look no further than our latest video from The Testing Academy, "How To Become Python Automation Engineer | Python Automation Tester Roadmap" - Link

  • In the world of test automation, understanding SOLID principles is essential for success. But what are SOLID principles and how can they be applied to test automation? . Here is a video by Pramod on SOLID principles - Link

That's it for this week's edition of software weekly digest. We hope you found these articles and insights helpful in your software testing journey.

Remember to share this newsletter with your colleagues. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please email us at [email protected]

Happy testing, and see you next week!

Best regards,

Yashwanth Baratam 🙋‍♂️ 

Author - Content team


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