Does Test Automation Necessarily Make Our Jobs Easier?

Get Ahead in Your Testing Career with Our In-Depth Coverage of Industry Trends and Best Practices

Comprises : Articles, Tweets, Posts , Blogs , Events and much more

Hello Subscriber,

Welcome to the April Start,2024 edition of Software Testing Digest!

This issue is our 19th🎖️edition which showcases the latest in software testing, including industry trends, tools, techniques, and expert insights to keep you ahead in the game. Let's dive right in!


Highlights if you are in a hurry 🏃 

Does Test Automation Necessarily Make Our Jobs Easier?

"Does Test Automation Necessarily Make Our Jobs Easier?" explores the complexities and challenges associated with test automation adoption.

Test Analysis Step by Step

"Test Analysis Step by Step" provides a systematic approach to test analysis methodologies.

Setting up Software QA Department from scratch?

"Setting up Software QA Department from scratch?" offers insights and guidelines for establishing a quality assurance department from the ground up.

Transaction flow testing techniques in software testing

"Transaction flow testing techniques in software testing" introduces effective techniques for testing transaction flows within software systems.

RAG for Quality Engineers

"RAG for Quality Engineers" discusses the use of Red, Amber, Green (RAG) indicators for quality engineers to assess project status and risks.


In "Exploring the complexities of test automation adoption and its impact on job roles," the article delves into the nuanced challenges surrounding the integration of test automation into workflows, highlighting its potential to reshape job responsibilities. Click on the article to read more about how this technological shift influences the testing landscape......……..

Here is the link for the full article

"Discover a systematic approach to test analysis methodologies" in our latest piece, where we break down the step-by-step process of test analysis. Click on the article to uncover insights into optimizing your testing strategy through meticulous analysis techniques....……..

Here is the link for the full article


Embarking on establishing a quality assurance department from scratch? Our article provides comprehensive guidelines to navigate this endeavor successfully. Click on the article to learn more about setting up a robust QA department tailored to your organization's needs.....…….

Here is the link for the full article

Unlock the secrets of effective transaction flow testing techniques in software testing with our latest article. Click to explore methodologies and best practices for ensuring the seamless functioning of transactional processes within software systems.....……..

Here is the link for the full article


Uncover the power of Red, Amber, Green (RAG) indicators in assessing project status and risks for quality engineers. Click on the article to delve into how RAG metrics can enhance project management and quality assurance practices...……..

Here is the link for the full article

Tweeting the Latest in Test - Our Newsletter Roundup of Top Tech Tweet 😀 

Here is a interesting thread for you trending on twitter for #testing on Stages of Testing

Testing Takes LinkedIn by Storm: The Latest Posts and Insights from Top Testing Professionals 🤪 

Here is a link to interesting LinkedIn Post on Anti-Pattern for Test Cases in Cypress post #testing #sdet #testautomation #automation #career…

GitHub Gems: Curated Collection of Cool Repos for Testers and Tech Enthusiasts 📚️ 

Here is a curated list of GitHub repos which you might be interested to have a look on :

  1. CodeceptJS: -CodeceptJS is an up-to-date end-to-end testing framework that employs a unique BDD-style syntax. The tests are set up in a way that shows how a user might interact with a website. Tests are expected to be written in ECMAScript 7.- Link

  2. Rest Assured: - Rest Assured is a Java library used for test automation of RESTful APIs. The rest-assured repository contains the latest version of the library, as well as various plugins and extensions.. - Link



  • Taiko : Built by Thoughtworks, Taiko is a free-to-use, open-source tool for automated tool for browser testing. It makes use of the Node.js library for automating the Chrome browser. - Link

  • Espresso : Espresso is an automation testing tool for writing simple, reliable, and concise Android UI tests. With Espresso API, test authors can think and work the same way a user would when they interact with the app when they want to locate UI elements and interact with them. - Link

Job Radar 🧑‍💼 

Testing Opportunities Galore!

Testing Academy's Latest Insights! 🎙️ 

  • Devin AI presents a significant advancement in software testing automation, but it's unlikely to replace all manual testers. The future of testing lies in a symbiotic relationship between AI and human testers, where each complements the other's strengths to ensure the delivery of high-quality software products. Watch our YouTube video to delve further into this dynamic relationship and explore the evolving landscape of software testing.- Link

  • Yashwanth's journey to landing a super high-paying automation job in just two years is a testament to dedication, strategic planning, and continuous learning. Watch our YouTube video to discover more about Yashwanth's journey and gain insights into how you can accelerate your own career growth in automation. - Link

That's it for this week's edition of software weekly digest. We hope you found these articles and insights helpful in your software testing journey.

Remember to share this newsletter with your colleagues. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please email us at [email protected]

Happy testing, and see you next week!

Best regards,

Yashwanth Baratam 🙋‍♂️ 

Author - Content team

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